Island Of The Blue Dolphins Ebook Download UPDATED

Island Of The Blue Dolphins Ebook Download

Island of the Blue Dolphins

  Island of the Blue Dolphins

Scott O'Dell

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Houghton Mifflin Visitor Boston



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ISBN 0-395-06962-ix


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The Russell Children







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I Recall the solar day the Aleut send came to our island. At beginning it seemed similar a small vanquish afloat on the bounding main. And so it grew larger and was a gull with folded wings. At terminal in the rising dominicus it became what it really was—a red ship with ii ruby sails.

My brother and I had gone to the head of a canyon that winds down to a petty harbor which is called Coral Cove. We had gone to assemble roots that grow there in the spring.

My blood brother Ramo was only a petty boy half my historic period, which was twelve. He was modest for 1 who had lived then many suns and moons, just quick as a cricket. Also foolish as a cricket when he was excited. For this reason and because I wanted him to assistance me gather roots and not go running off, I said zippo about the shell I saw or the dupe with folded wings.

I went on digging in the brush with my pointed stick as though zippo at all were happening on the sea. Even when I knew for sure that the gull was a ship with ii red sails.

But Ramo's optics missed niggling in the world. They were black like a lizard's and very large and, like the eyes of a lizard, could sometimes look sleepy. This was the fourth dimension when they saw the well-nigh. This was the manner they looked now. They were one-half-airtight, similar those of a lizard lying on a rock about to flick out its natural language to catch a wing.

"The ocean is smooth," Ramo said. "It is a flat stone without any scratches."

My brother liked to pretend that i thing was another.

"The bounding main is non a stone without scratches," I said. "Information technology is water and no waves."

"To me it is a bluish rock," he said. "And far away on the edge of it is a minor cloud which sits on the stone."

"Clouds do not sit down on stones. On blue ones or black ones or any kind of stones."

"This ane does."

"Not on the sea," I said. "Dolphins sit there, and gulls, and cormorants, and otter, and whales likewise, merely not clouds."

"It is a whale, maybe."

Ramo was standing on one foot and then the other, watching the ship coming, which he did not know was a transport because he had never seen one. I had never seen 1 either, merely I knew how they looked because I had been told.

"While you gaze at the sea," I said, "I dig roots. And it is I who volition eat them and you who will non."

Ramo began to punch at the earth with his stick, only as the ship came closer, its sails showing reddish through the morning time mist, he kept watching it, acting all the time equally if he were not.

"Have you ever seen a carmine whale?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, though I never had.

"Those I have seen are gray."

"You are very young and have not seen everything that swims in the world."

Ramo picked upwards a root and was about to drop it into the basket. Of a sudden his mouth opened broad and and then closed once again.

"A canoe!" he cried. "A great one, bigger than all of our canoes together. And ruby!"

A canoe or a ship, it did not matter to Ramo. In the very next breath he tossed the root in the air and was gone, crashing through the castor, shouting every bit he went.

I kept on gathering roots, but my hands trembled every bit I dug in the globe, for I was more than excited than my brother. I knew that information technology was a ship at that place on the sea and not a big canoe, and that a ship could mean many things. I wanted to drop the stick and run too, but I went on digging roots because they were needed in the hamlet.

Past the time I filled the basket, the Aleut ship had sailed around the wide kelp bed that encloses our isle and between the 2 rocks that baby-sit Coral Cove. Word of its coming had already reached the village of Ghalas-at. Carrying their weapons, our men sped forth the trail which winds down to the shore. Our women were gathering at the border of the mesa.

I made my fashion through the heavy brush and, moving swiftly, downwardly the ravine until I came to the sea cliffs. There I crouched on my hands and knees. Beneath me lay the cove. The tide was out and the sun shone on the white sand of the beach. Half the men from our village stood at the h2o's edge. The residual were concealed amidst the rocks at the foot of the trail, gear up to attack the intruders should they prove unfriendly.

Every bit I crouched there in the toyon bushes, trying not to autumn over the cliff, trying to keep myself subconscious and yet to see and hear what went on below me, a boat left the transport. Six men with long oars were rowing. Their faces were broad, and shining dark hair fell over their eyes. When they came closer I saw that they had bone ornaments thrust through their noses.

Behind them in the gunkhole stood a tall man with a yellow beard. I had never seen a Russian earlier, but my male parent had told me about them, and I wondered, seeing the way he stood with his feet set apart and his fists on his hips and looked at the little harbor as though it already belonged to him, if he were one of those men from the north whom our people feared. I was certain of it when the gunkhole slid in to the shore and he jumped out, shouting equally he did and then.

His voice echoed against the rock walls of the cove. The words were strange, unlike any I had ever heard. Slowly so he spoke in our natural language.

"I come up in peace and wish to parley," he said to the men on the shore.

None of them answered, only my male parent, who was one of those subconscious among the rocks, came forward downwardly the sloping beach. He thrust his spear into the sand.

"I am the Main of Ghalas-at," he said. "My name is Chief Chowig."

I was surprised that he gave his real name to a stranger. Everyone in our tribe had two names, the existent i which was secret and was seldom used, and i which was common, for if people use your hole-and-corner proper name it becomes worn out and loses its magic. Thus I was known as Won-a-pa-lei, which means The Girl with the Long Black Hair, though my cloak-and-dagger name is Karana. My male parent's underground name was Chowig Why he gave it to a stranger I do not know.

The Russian smiled and held up his hand, calling himself Captain Orlov. My male parent also held upwards his mitt. I could not meet his face, but I doubted that he smiled in return.

"I accept come with 40 of my men," said the Russian. "Nosotros come to hunt sea otter. We wish to camp on your island while we are hunting."

My begetter said zip. He was a tall man, though not and so alpine every bit Captain Orlov, and he stood wit

h his bare shoulders thrown back, thinking about what the Russian had said. He was in no hurry to answer considering the Aleuts had come before to hunt otter. That was long in the past, only my begetter however remembered them.

"You retrieve some other hunt," Helm Orlov said when my male parent was silent. "I have heard of it, too. It was led past Captain Mitriff who was a fool and is at present dead. The problem arose because you and your tribe did all of the hunting."

"Nosotros hunted," said my father, "but the 1 you phone call a fool wished us to hunt from one moon to the side by side, never ceasing."

"This time you will need to do nothing," Captain Orlov said. "My men will hunt and nosotros will divide the catch. One role for yous, to be paid in appurtenances, and two parts for us."

"The parts must exist equal," my begetter said.

Captain Orlov gazed off toward the sea. "We can talk of that afterward when my supplies are safe ashore," he replied.

The morning was fair with piffling air current, yet it was the season of the twelvemonth when storms could be looked for, and then I understood why the Russian wished to movement onto our isle.

"Information technology is ameliorate to agree now," said my father.

Helm Orlov took two long steps away from my father, then turned and faced him. "One part to you is off-white since the work is ours and ours the risk."

My father shook his head.

The Russian grasped his beard. "Since the sea is not yours, why do I accept to give you whatsoever function?"

"The body of water which surrounds the Island of the Bluish Dolphins belongs to us," answered my father.

He spoke softly as he did when he was angry.

"From here to the coast of Santa Barbara—20 leagues away?"

"No, but that which touches the island and where the otter live."

Captain Orlov made a audio in his throat. He looked at our men standing on the embankment and toward those who had now come from backside the rocks. He looked at my father and shrugged his shoulders. Suddenly he smiled, showing his long teeth.

"The parts shall be equal," he said.

He said more than, but I did non hear it, for at that instant in my bang-up excitement I moved a minor rock, which clattered down the cliff and brutal at his feet. Everyone on the beach looked upward. Silently I left the toyon bushes and ran without stopping until I reached the mesa.


CAPTAIN ORLOV and his Aleut hunters moved to the isle that morning, making many trips from their ship to the beach of Coral Cove. Since the beach was pocket-size and well-nigh flooded when the tide was in, he asked if he could military camp on higher basis. This my father agreed to.

Perhaps I should tell yous about our island so you will know how information technology looks and where our village was and where the Aleuts camped for most of the summertime.

Our island is ii leagues long and one league wide, and if yous were continuing on i of the hills that rising in the middle of it, you would think that it looked like a fish. Like a dolphin lying on its side, with its tail pointing toward the sunrise, its olfactory organ pointing to the sunset, and its fins making reefs and the rocky ledges along the shore. Whether someone did stand at that place on the low hills in the days when the earth was new and, because of its shape, called it the Island of the Blueish Dolphins, I do non know. Many dolphins live in our seas and information technology may be from them that the name came. Merely one mode or another, this is what the island was chosen.

The first thing you would notice virtually our island, I think, is the current of air. It blows almost every day, sometimes from the northwest and sometimes from the east, once in a long while out of the due south. All the winds except the ane from the southward are stiff, and because of them the hills are polished shine and the trees are small and twisted, fifty-fifty in the canyon that runs downwards to Coral Cove.

The village of Ghalas-at lay ea:. of the hills on a small mesa, almost Coral Cove and a skilful spring. About a half league to the north is some other spring and it was there that the Aleuts put up their tents which were made of skins and were and so depression to the globe that the men had to crawl into them on their stomachs. At dusk we could see the glow of their fires.

That nighttime my begetter warned anybody in the hamlet of Ghalas-at confronting visiting the camp.

"The Aleuts come up from a country far to the n," he said. "Their ways are not ours nor is their language. They have come to take otter and to requite us our share in many appurtenances which they take and which we tin can utilize. In this style shall nosotros turn a profit. Simply we shall not profit if we try to befriend them. They are people who do non understand friendship. They are not those who were here earlier, simply they are people of the same tribe that caused trouble many years ago."

My father's words were obeyed. Nosotros did non get to the Aleut campsite and they did not come to our village. Merely this is non to say that nosotros did not know what they did—what they ate and in what way they cooked it, how many otter were killed each day, and other things as well—for someone was ever watching from the cliffs while they were hunting, or from the ravine when they were in camp.

Ramo, for instance, brought news about Captain Orlov.

"In the morning when he crawls out of his tent he sits on a rock and combs until the beard shines like a cormorant's wing," Ramo said.

My sister Ulape, who was two years older than I, gathered the most curious news of all. She swore that there was an Aleut girl among the hunters.

"She is dressed in skins just like the men," Ulape said. "But she wears a fur cap and under the cap she has thick hair that falls to her waist."

No i believed Ulape. Everyone laughed at the thought that hunters would carp to bring their wives with them.

The Aleuts also watched our village, otherwise they would not take known about the good fortune which befell us soon later they came.

It happened in this fashion. Early bound is a poor season for fishing. The heavy seas and winds of wintertime drive the fish into deep h2o where they stay until the weather is settled and where they are hard to take hold of. During this time the village eats sparingly, mostly from stores of seeds harvested in autumn.

Word of our good fortune came on a stormy afternoon, brought by Ulape, who was never idle. She had gone to a ledge on the eastern part of the island hoping to get together shellfish. She was climbing a cliff on the way home when she heard a loud noise behind her.

At first she did not see what had caused the noise. She idea that information technology was the wind echoing through ane of the caves and was almost to leave when she noticed silvery shapes on the floor of the cove. The shapes moved and she saw that it was a school of large white bass, each i as big equally she was. Pursued by killer whales, which prey upon them when seals are non to be found, the bass had tried to escape past swimming toward shore. But in their terror they had mistaken the depth of the water and had been tossed onto the rocky ledge.

Ulape dropped her basket of shellfish and gear up out for the hamlet, arriving at that place so out of breath that she could but point in the management of the shore. The women were cooking supper but all of them stopped and gathered effectually her, waiting for her to speak.

"A schoolhouse of white bass," she finally said.

"Where? Where?" everyone asked.

"On the rocks. A dozen of them. Perhaps more than a dozen."

Before Ulape had finished speaking, nosotros were running toward the shore, hoping that we would get there in time, that the fish had not flopped dorsum into the sea, or that a risk wave had not done them away.

We came to the cliff and looked downward. The schoolhouse of white bass was still on the ledge, glistening in the sun. But since the tide was high and the biggest waves were already lapping at the fish, there was no time to lose. 1 by one we hauled them out of reach of the tide. Then, two women carrying a unmarried fish, for they were all of about the aforementioned size and heavy, we lifted them up the cliff and brought them habitation.

There were enough for anybody in our tribe for supper that night and the next, but in the morning two Aleuts came to the village and asked to speak to my father.

"You have fish," ane of them said.

"Enough only for my people," my father answered.

"You have fourteen fish," the Aleut said.

"Vii now because we ate seven."

"From seven you tin can spare 2."

"There are forty in your military camp," my father replied, "and more than that of the states. Too, you take your own fish, the stale ones that you brought."

"We tire of that kind," the Aleut said.

He was a short man who simply came to my father'south shoulders, and he had small optics similar black pebbles and a mouth similar the border of a rock knife. The other Aleut looked very much similar him.

"You are hunters," my father said. "Go and hunt your own fish if you are tired of what you are at present eating. I have my people to think of."

"Captain Orlov will hear that you refuse to share the fish."

"Yes, tell him," my begetter said. "Just also why nosotros decline."

The Aleut grunted to his companion and the two of them stalked off on their curt legs across the sand dunes that lay between the hamlet and their camp.

We ate the rest of the white bass that night and there was much rejoicing. But niggling did we know, as we ate and sang and the older men told stories around the fire, that our good fortune would soon bring trouble to Ghalas-at.


THE WIDE BEDS of kelp which surround our isle on 3 sides come up close to the shore and spread out to sea for a altitude of a league. In these deep beds, even on days of heavy winds, the Aleuts hunted. They left the shore at dawn in their skin canoes and did not return until night, towing after them the slain otter.

The sea otter, when information technology is pond, looks like a seal, just is really very different. It has a shorter nose than a seal, small webbed feet instead of flippers, and fur that is thicker and much more beautiful. It is too dissimilar in other ways. The otter likes to prevarication on its back in the kelp beds, floating up and down to the motion of the waves, sunning itself or sleeping. They are the most playful animals in the sea.

It was these creatures that the Aleuts hunted for their pelts.

From the cliff I could come across the peel canoes darting hither and in that location over the kelp beds, barely skimming the water, and the long spears flying similar arrows. At dark the hunters brought their catch into Coral Cove, and there on the beach the animals were skinned and fleshed. Ii men, who besides sharpened the spears, did this work, laboring far into the night by the lite of seaweed fires. In the morning time the beach would be strewn with carcasses, and the waves cherry with blood.


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